Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thank You Stephanie!

Thank you Stephanie for the wonderful cyber shower gifts! We love all the bathtime goodies and can't wait to have little Ruthie home so that we can enjoy them with her!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Thank you Darlingtons!!!

Thank you so much for my "Firsts" cybershower present!! We LOVED all of the items sent. For Amanda, we got a finger puppet washing mitt, ladybug comb & brush, piggie washing mitt, burp cloths, bee nail clippers, aquatic bobbers, an elephant aspirator, and an ice cream cone bib. What fun!!!

Jessica got some vibrating soap (and has had a lot of fun with that!), and a travel twister game. Also a lot of fun.

Anna received some stamping sidewalk chalk and stickers. Was she ever excited!

And then there was a bunch of ice cream flavored lip gloss for both girls. They love makeup!

Thank you so, so much!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Thank You Anderson Family

Thank you so much for the lovely May cyber shower gift. It really brightened our day!

We absolutely love everything you sent. My daughter especially loves the polka dot printed towel. She said this is the one we have to take to China! I especially like the outfit with "Mommy Loves Me" on it. So true!

Thank you so very much for making this journey so special to us!